Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Good manners are vital. It depend on the upbringing of parents and one's surrounding environment. Fortunately, there is nothing much parents can do, to help their children avoid the consequences of inconsiderate actions.
This world would be a much more pleasant place if courtesy was prevalent. When delivered with kindness and consideration, our words and actions are better received. when we treat others well, we feel better about ourselves and those around us. Most importantly, we bring happiness to those around us rather than offending them or hurting them.

i know i should have control my temper and not shout at him. But how can he be so naughty and disrespectful... i have been enduring him since day one and today he just went off that limit.. i was so angry that i burst into tears. thou it was kinda silly, i will never forget that he is the one who drove me up the wall!!!!!

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